Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Open in New Window Option on Right Click

How to get Open in New Window Option on Right Click?

  1. Go to Start >> Run.
  2. Type regedit to open Registry Editor
  3. Before doing the following trick, take a back-up of your registry for safety
  4. Now navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> shell
  5. Create a new key i.e. Right-click on shell Select New >> Key and name it as "Open in new Window" without double quotes
  6. Now, Right-click on the key which you have created now and create a sub key with the name "command"
  7. On the right pane, double click Default and enter value explorer %1
  8. Now you can see new window option on right-click on any folder
  9. To make this option available for your drives, perform the same procedure on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Drive >> shell
  10. To undo this trick, simply remove the keys which you have created

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