Saturday, September 10, 2011

Unlock BIOS & Admin Password

How to Hack BIOS Password?

The following steps to hack BIOS password work absolutely fine for a Desktop and are the easiest of all.

Steps for PC:
  1. Shut down the computer and take out all the plugs connected to electricity.
  2. Open up the CPU cabinet and locate the CMOS battery on the motherboard (it will be a silver circular battery just like a button cell).
  3. Remove the battery and keep it out for some 2-3 minutes as this will flush out the CMOS memory which stores the BIOS password and all other configurations.
  4. Now place the battery back and start the computer normally.

Steps for Laptop:
  1. Open up the BIOS at the time of booting
  2. There are some backdoor passwords which the manufacturing company had set that will be accepted by the BIOS. You will just need to know the make of your BIOS.Try out the passwords from these lists.
  3. List of Award BIOS backdoor passwords:  BIOSTAR, AWARD_SW, AWARD SW, AWARD PW, CONDO, LKWPETER, J262, 01322222
  4. List of AMI BIOS backdoor passwords: AMI, AAAMMMIII, BIOS, PASSWORD, A.M.I., CONDO
  5. List of PHOENIX BIOS backdoor passwords:  phoenix, PHOENIX, CMOS, BIOS
  6. You can also try this utility CmosPwd 4.8

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