Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hide a File or Folder Inside an Image

How to Hide a File or Folder Inside an Image?

This is the Command. Now, we'll see how to use this command.
copy /b imagename.jpg + archivename.rar or .zip or .7zip

  1. Create an empty folder
  2. Take any image file in that folder. Say we name the folder as "Test_Folder".
  3. Also, copy all the files and folders, whatever u want to hide in that newly created folder "Test_Folder".
  4. Select all the files in that folder and create any specific archive file, excluding the image file which will be used later.
  5. Delete all your original files from that folder except the archive u created above and the image file.
  6. Go to command line interface and type: cd "directory path where that new folder is created"
  7. Now type the following command: copy /b imagename.jpg + archivename.rar or .zip or .7zip. Here, imagename refers to the name of the image file present in your folder and archivename refers to the archive you created of the original files.
  8. Now you can delete your archive file from the folder.
  9. The image file is now ready inside which your archive is hidden. You can send this image to anyone without others knowing what's inside the image. The image will open as it opens normally in the Picture Viewer, but only you know that you have hidden some files inside it.
  10. To restore the original archive, just change the extension of the image file to .rar or .zip or whatever format you have created the archive in.

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