Saturday, September 10, 2011

Create your own virus...

How to make a Fake Virus?
  1. This trick will show you how to create a fake virus and scare your friends.
  2. Right-click on your desktop, go to "new" and click "Create Shortcut"
  3. A window will come up. Where it says "Location" enter: shutdown -s -t 10
  4. Here '10' is the no of seconds for which the computer waits before shutdown.
  5. If you want to write a comment, after 10, give a space, type -c give a space then in double-quotes give your comment
  6. Now, click next. Give name to the virus. Click OK
Example of the virus:

shutdown -f -s 10 -c "Your computer is damaged. Root drive is deleted. Shutting down......"

Now, click on the file your computer will shutdown in 10 seconds.

Note: To abort the shutdown process, Open Run Window and type (shutdown -a)

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