Saturday, March 31, 2012

How to Block or Unblock a Website

How to Block a Website?

  1. Open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
  2. There you will find a file named HOSTS
  3. Click on the file and press SHIFT and now right click on it 
  4. From the right click menu select Open with 
  5. Now, select Notepad to open the file from the list !
  6. Now, in the file under the line localhost, add another line as
  7. Now, File>>Save !
Now, open your web browser and try opening , it will not load !

How to Unblock a Website?

  1. Delete the line which shows the name of your website which is blocked.
  2. Ex: If we want to unblock the above blocked website, we delete the line,
  3. The same step should be repeated for all those websites that you want to unblock.
Besides un-blocking a website manually, you can also do it online. Refer to my post How to Unblock a Website Online

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